Recently, my church (Life Tree Church) started a daily bible reading. For the remainder of the year a portion of scripture from the Gospels and the Book of Acts, have been set for every day. Instead of just sitting and reading, I had decided to write down discoveries. Discoveries of God and of People. In all honesty, I don't really like writing so much down because I found that I hardly have a discipline to go back to look at them and also because quite frankly, i'm lazy haha.
But after buying a white board to use and write out things for #LoveIsANoun discipleship, I, along with the ladies, were blown away at how much Truth there is to discover and unpack. So I said to myself; "self, why not try that this time around."
Once I started, quickly my pages filled and it became easier for me to grasp what I was reading. Truths that i've already read being a Christian for many years had even started to pierce and fill my heart all over again. There is soooooooo much you can find out about God and people even in an insanely small amount of scripture you read. I'm just in the beginning of the book of Matthew and gosh, people can really be KA-RAZY!!! Then there are also the ones that are incredibly humble, obedient, imperfect but truly love God back. They've experienced and got to do amazing amazing things.
- I mean one woman, who was a virgin, was chosen and miraculously touched by the Holy Spirit to give birth to JESUS, the savior of the World.
- Another, was visited several times by an angle in his dreams telling him exactly what to do to be safe.
- Some men actually saw a SHINING STAR THAT GUIDED THEM to where Jesus was. (Ummm, i know we see stars every night buuuut i've never seen one that shined so bright that lead me anywhere!!)
- And there was another man who actually got to BAPTIZE JESUS HIMSELF!!!
WHAAAAAT????? These are not just make believe stories yall.
But the Gold ribbon woven in&through all of what i've been reading, the Gold ribbon that holds it all together is GOD and HIS BEATING HEART!!! Truth be told is without Him we can only do evil but with Him, ahhh man, great things can happen because of Him.
I mean, He could totally leave us in the dust and say "BYE FELICIA" but He doesn't. Do you ever ask yourself "why does He love us so much" or "who am I that He would want anything to do with me" because I know I do.
Ahhhh I am overwhelmed (in a good way). So, as I started writing things down, I also started doodling and I figured I might share them here once in a while.
So please, feel free to share your discoveries too. If you have any questions, please ask. I definitely wont have all the answer to everything but for sure I'll try.
Here's one of my discoveries this week:
I was reading about the first years of Jesus' life and how a king named Herod was so threatened by Him that He wanted him dead. God protected Jesus and his parents, telling them what to do and where to go so Herod wouldn't be able to find him.
As I was about to close my journal, this is what exploded in my heart:
"He protected Jesus because
- 1st: He is His beloved son (and it wasn't His time yet)
- 2nd: He is the only way to reconcile us back to God.
Ever since the Fall of Man, when we disobeyed God and sin brutally ripped us apart from Him - I believe with my whole heart that God never stopped yearning for mankind - US, his children!!
He had a plan - He made a way - it was already in motion from the beginning! If we really dig DEEP in scripture, God's Heart is written all over it! There was no Stopping His plan to reveal His Glory, Redeem his people and to reunite us again. Then the question that hit me was:
"He will always choose you but will you choose Him?"
This is 'Walkin with Joy'
my life as a missionary
This is 'Walkin with Joy'
my life as a missionary
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