A little something about my mom. She is one fearless woman in the smallest of ways to the
biggest of ways. Today my Mom and I dropped off one of my uncles to his home and they have a next door neighbor who has a lemon tree. The neighbors high school son just got home a few minutes after we reached my uncles house and my mom says:
The boy responds with "Hello" as well.
Then my mom proceeds with: "Can I have some of your lemons?" hahahahahah
I was so shocked that I said: "I'm so sorry, I didn't know she was going to ask that."
But the young man said: "Yeah, sure"
Of course we were super excited. I mean who doesn't love lemons right? AND, THEY'RE FREE!
Plus, we needed lemons because my family and I are making lemon sugar scrubs for Christmas gifts this year. Can you say BLESSING!!!!!
To get to the story :)
As my mom and I were picking the lemons, my mom says to me: "Rio look, the Harvest is plenty but the laborers are few." As she kept on picking the lemons, she was Praising God with each lemon she picked. My mom is just AWESOME like that. But then it hit me. Yeah, the laborers ARE few. I began to see that even though this tree wasn't huge, it would be a big job for just 2 people to harvest all the lemons. I also saw that this tree was right in front of their front door and no one was taking care of these lemons. There were so many lemons that were rotting on the ground and on the tree. I began to feel sad for these lemons. No one took the time to nurture them. They were forgotten and some just wasting away. What a waste I was saying to myself because lemons have such great worth. There are 16 health benefits of lemons.
Just to name a few:
1) They help restore the body's PH Balance
2) They are rich in Vitamin C
3) It's a great liver detoxifier
4) They clean your bowels
5) They have powerful antibacterial properties.
As I continued to harvest, I saw that there were too many out of my reach. I either needed longer legs or longer arms hahaha. Then I realized man, God is opening my eyes just through picking these lemons right now. How cool is this!!
These were the revelations I received today.
Why are the laborers so few? Simply because people can be lazy, or we don't care, or we can get so caught up with life that we don't pay attention. As I was looking at the lemon tree and the distance to the front door of the house, I realized that our mentality of where the harvest is, is in some other country far far away. But most of the time, it's just right outside our front doors! There are so many people that are ready to know about the Love of the Father, the Saving Grace of Jesus and the Hope of Christ.
If we don't stop to pay attention, they will rot away in sin and the lies of Satan. We are called to nurture and love and disciple them.
We are called to walk out the Great Commission.
(Matthew 28:19-20)
Just like how lemons have great worth, so do people!!! Who can reach people but people. Who can love people but people. Who can care and nurture people but people. GOD LOVES PEOPLE MORE THAN ANYTHING! I think that in itself tells us that people are incredibly vital and important.
There are about 7.125 Billion people on earth. There is a reason why we can't do it all by ourselves. Being Christians, we are a body with many different parts and in order for the body to function, then that means each part is important and very much needed. We are given special gifts and talents that God absolutely loves to use. Longer arms can mean a dancer who could reach out to people who love dance. Longer legs could mean an athlete who could reach out to people who love sports.
What is your gift? I can guarantee you that there are many people you can reach with that amazing special gift :) God loves it when you use it too!!
Some things I learned from my mom too are 1) Don't be afraid. Be Frearless. Because you wont know until you ask. 2) Praise God in everything 3) Keep harvesting as many as you can reach.
Who knew that a simple lemon tree could open my eyes more. Glory to Glory I tell ya!
This is 'Walkin with Joy'
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