Just came back from visiting one of my best friends/sisters in LA. I loved every bit of it but what I loved the most was just sitting and watching her little boy
I absolutely love watching little kids. I can literally stare at them all day. There is such a wonder and beauty in watching their purity, their personalities, their fearlessness, bravery and innocence. It's like seeing heaven in a small little body :)
This little boy truly amazes me. In just his 3 years of life, he has gone through more than what an average person goes through in a lifetime. But on more than one occasion, the Lord has used this little one's warrior spirit, unbreakable strength and infectious Joy to remind me of who the Lord is.
Max reminds me of David. In David's young age, God chose Him. He knew without a doubt that He was the King of Kings, the Almighty God, the Defender of His people, the Lover of souls, the Covenant Keeper, the Forgiver, the Protector - David was truly a man after God's own very heart.
I remember the story in 1st Samuel when Saul was King and the Israelites were going to war against the Philistines. There they were faced with the Philistines' BIG weapon & champion - a HUGE man named Goliath. He literally was HUGE - over 9 feet to be exact. Goliath called and challenged for one man from King Saul's army to fight him. The challenge was: If he defeats Goliath, then the Philistines would surrender and give themselves as slaves, if it's the other way around then the Israelites would have to give themselves as slaves.
(Gosh, that's too much pressure foreal - I mean the fate of the people would rest on one mans shoulders - uuugghh - no thank you!!)
So naturally there was so much fear, intimidation and uncertainty that filled the Israelites. Then there was David. The youngest of 8 who helped his father by taking care of their sheep & goats. David's dad asked him to go and see how his brothers were doing. David obeyed and went. He saw what was happening, heard Goliath taunt the Israelites and heard him shout his challenge again. The Israelites were too afraid they even ran away after seeing how big he really was. No one wanted to fight Goliath that King Saul even thought giving a reward would make someone do it. But still, no one was stepping up to the plate. But then there was David!!! Who fearlessly says: "I'LL DO IT!!!!" He even says: "Don't worry about the Philistine!"
( ok yeah, no worries - WHAT!!!!! David, you crazy!!!!)
Even King Saul had the same reaction as me!!!! David goes on and explains how he will do it and says:
“When a lion or a bear comes to steal a lamb from the flock, I go after it with a club and rescue the lamb from its mouth. If the animal turns on me, I catch it by the jaw and club it to death. I have done this to both lions and bears, and I’ll do it to this pagan Philistine, too, for he has defied the armies of the living God! The Lord who rescued me from the claws of the lion and the bear will rescue me from this Philistine!”
And so he manages to convince King Saul. He was given an armor and a sword but David refused because he's never used them. Instead chose to take with him 5 smooth stones, a shepherd's staff and a sling. He started across the valley to meet Goliath and when they stood face to face David tells him:
“You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies—the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. Today the Lord will conquer you, and I will kill you and cut off your head...."
Those were some BOLD & BRAVE words!!! But David knew them to be true and nothing less. So the fight begins - David reaches in his shepherds bag, grabs one stone, places it in his sling, pulls back and releases the stone the hit Goliath dead in the center of his forehead. The stone sank in once it made contact and the GIANT GOES DOWN!!!
Max reminds me of David because i've seen him face "Goliath" after "Goliath" and he defeats them EVERY TIME!!! This little boy has every right to give up, but quite honestly, I don't think he does because he doesn't even know what that means. I don't know what goes through the minds of little ones but with Max, what I can see is that he walks with so much faith without even really knowing it. He doesn't have to use words - he just goes to battle everyday leaving no room for the possibility of defeat. He just simply gets stronger and is victorious every time. No need for a fancy armor and sword, - just a purity of Faith. He's surrounded by such amazing parents that show him how incredibly loved he is and they've given him no reason to doubt their care.
God does the same for us. He shows us how incredibly loved we are and he absolutely gives us no reason to doubt his care. What if our minds and hearts were like that of a little child? What if we took God at His word? What if we never left any room for the possibility of defeat when we are faced with our 'Goliaths'?
Max truly Walks With Joy - the settled assurance that God is in control of all the details of his life. The quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be alright. This young boy truly amazes me!!! Oh the things he will do in his lifetime. The devil trembles in fear knowing God has already anointed Max to do GREAT things for the kingdom. Keep watch world because God has chosen this one and the Lord of Heaven's armies he carries with him!!!
Hope this encourages you just as much as it has me. Share this with someone who might need this today.
Hope this encourages you just as much as it has me. Share this with someone who might need this today.
This is Walkin With Joy
my simple extraordinary life
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