and will continue for as long as He says so :). Answering the Call to be a Missionary here in San Jose and Stepping into intentional relationships with young ladies, is seriously the BEST JOB EVER!! Walking with these ladies as they Discover they were created in the Image&Likeness of God, that they are loved, have much purpose and worth is an incredible honor. Some of them have moved on to their next season, some are still in this season and we have a new young lady who had recently stepped in this sweet season.
I am excited for the ladies who have moved on and I am honored to share these words from one I had the great privilege to walk with, see grow and now soar.
My Journey As A Disciple
by: Ashley M.
"My Journey being discipled by Ate Rio started last October. I didn't know what it meant to be discipled or what new things I was going to learn.
All I knew was that I wanted to go deeper with God.
We started Discipleship by understanding that "Love Is A Noun." For me, this meant that in order to understand how to love others, I needed to truly understand my Heavenly Father's love for me. I needed to understand how He views me as His Daughter.
Over the course of the year, I learned so much about God's love for me and I really needed it because I did so much serving and helping others, that I didn't make time to sit at His feet.
The sweetest revelation I learned during discipleship, that I carry in my heart everyday, is this Unshakeable Truth -- My actions do not define nor change God's love for me.
So many times I run and hide from God because of the sins I commit and the shame that I feel. But I now understand (even better) that shame and guilt do not come from my Father. I now understand that He will always pursue me and love me despite my rebellious heart.
The Father's love is SO REAL and I want to carry that love with me and share it with the rest of the world."
To all my Ministry Partners, THANK YOU!!
Your courage and Faith to partner with God and I are not in vain. These are the young women you are pouring into. Let's keep on!!!
To all my Ministry Partners, THANK YOU!!
Your courage and Faith to partner with God and I are not in vain. These are the young women you are pouring into. Let's keep on!!!
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